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Vendor Management Software

A Central & Secure View of All Your Vendor Relationships


Gatekeeper for Vendor Management

Take Control Today:

Vendor Management Systems Made Easy
Branded Vendor Portal for Seamless Onboarding (optional)
Easily Identify Areas for Cost Consolidation
Comprehensive Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
Best Practice Templates and Implementation Advice
Clear and effective Spend Management Reports
Customise to Suit Your Business Structure
Secure Built in Messaging & Automation
Access Gatekeeper securely from any device

What are the Key Benefits of Vendor Management Software?


Cost Control

It’s estimated that 60%-80% of business spend is with vendors. A clear understanding of where your money is going is key to identifying where costs can be reduced.


Task Delegation

Providing vendors with their own secure access to relevant records removes the administrative burden from internal teams. Use automation to manage onboarding, compliance and other key business processes.


Auditable Records

Track all communications and documentation relating to each vendor in a central place. Understand who’s signed documents and when as well as who’s responsible on an ongoing basis.


Vendor Performance Management

The use of Balanced Scorecards and scheduled reviews with key personnel are critical to achieving the best results from vendor relationships.

What Kinds of Businesses Need A Vendor Management System?


Distributed organisations wanting to standardise their processes and control costs across different geographies, business units and departments


Acquisitive businesses looking to consolidate and streamline their vendors


Companies with significant compliance requirements (eg, Financial Services), who must be able to record and demonstrate compliance to regulators and stakeholders periodically.


All businesses looking to benefit from superior relationships with their vendors and improve their approach to third-party risk management.

Gatekeeper allows you to centrally store and manage all of your vendor and contract information in the cloud.

  • Manage Vendors and Contracts
  • Receive Automated Reminders of Key Dates
  • Secure Access to all Files and Messages
  • Track Vendor Performance using KPIs
  • Monitor Vendor Risk and RAG status
  • Communicate directly with your Vendors
  • An Auditable Record of All Activity
  • Unlimited Users on All Plans

All in one place - Company wide.

Neil Jones

"Gatekeeper has quickly become a tool our team relies on and uses every day"

Neil Jones - CEO, Location Live

Book Your FREE Gatekeeper Demo

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Vendor Management Solution and what are its benefits?

Vendor management solutions provides a centralised record of all your business's vendors and their key information such as contact names and dates and how much you spend with them.

The benefits of applying vendor management best practices via software include: 

  • Centralised documentation saving you valuable search time
  • Efficient ways to identify areas for consolidation
  • The ability to maximise value from vendors
  • Self-serve opportunities for third parties
  • Automated vendor invitation and onboarding
  • Performance management through scorecards.

Read more about effective vendor management on our blog.

Is there a charge for implementation?

Yes. Implementation is priced at 20% of your first year's subscription.

For all plans, new customers are allocated a dedicated account manager and a detailed onboarding plan that is tailored to their requirements.

Plans typically include training sessions, solution configuration and data-import to get you up and running as soon as possible.

For more information on our implementation process, speak to one of our representatives today.

What is a Vendor Portal and how does it work?

Our Vendor Portal works alongside our core vendor management solution and allows you to delegate access to your vendors so they can self-serve and remove some of the administrative burden from you and your team.

Vendors can register themselves using public forms, completing the necessary information that you require and then be prompted to maintain and update that information periodically.

Need to capture certifications or other compliance documents? Set up automated reminders and let Gatekeeper manage the process for you.

Find out more about Gatekeeper's Vendor Portal.

Is my vendor information secure?

Yes. Gatekeeper is accredited to ISO 27001 and 9001 level for Information Security and Quality Management respectively. We work with business of all types and sizes, including:

  • Start-ups and fast-growing organisations implementing formal contract management for the first time.
  • Mature organisations requiring consolidation and clear visibility over their contract universe.
  • Businesses in heavily regulated sectors such as healthcare and finance.
  • Forward-thinking companies looking to solve critical business issues with technology