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Experience Gatekeeper at SuiteWorld
Join a Gatekeeper Session

1-100 🚀: The blueprint for a stress-free vendor & contract management strategy

Date: Wednesday, Sep 11

Time: 10:30-11:30am

Location: Academy 403

Hosts: Emily Assender, VP of Partnerships and Ben Parker, Director, Strategic Partnerships

Join Emily Assender and Ben Parker for this thought-provoking and engaging session where you will be expertly guided through:

  • Everything new in Vendor & Contract Management and why this is a critical focus for businesses
  • The Maturity Scale: See where you are today on the maturity scale of Rookie → Pro, and the risks to be aware of at each stage
  • The blueprint for a stress free VCLM strategy: The exact next steps you should be taking to unlock cash flow, adhere to obligations and reduce vendor risk.

Accessing your Vendor and Contract Data Inside NetSuite with Gatekeeper: A Demo

Date: September 9-12

Location: On air

Host: Matthew Langlois, Account Executive

Join Gatekeeper expert Matthew Langlois, as he takes you for a walk through Gatekeeper’s functionality within NetSuite via a dedicated SuiteApp.
You will discover the benefits of using a Vendor and Contract Lifecycle (VCLM) platform, including:
  • Full vendor and contract visibility across your NetSuite users
  • Digitized processes including vendor onboarding, vendor risk management, cyber risk score and TIN matching
  • Safeguarding compliance with perpetual audit readiness. 

An Inside Look - How a lack of third-party visibility is putting your business at risk

Date: September 9-12

Location: On air

Host: Daniel Barnes, Product Marketing Lead

Join procurement expert Daniel Barnes, as he takes you through the challenges organizations are facing and the importance of synchronizing Finance, Procurement and Legal - and the entire business; for effective Vendor and Contract Management.
You will gain an understanding of the need to create a protected ecosystem where data connectivity, risk management, and compliance are prioritized, and insight into how successful companies treat their contracts and vendors as valuable assets, utilizing management platforms to achieve significant cost savings and to safeguard their operations.
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