Usability can make or break the success of your contract management platform. Find out why it should be one of your key considerations when choosing a solution for your business.
Why is a SaaS vendor management solution such a good fit for high-functioning IT teams? We lay out the five key reasons here and explain how effective vendor management unlocks unrealised value...
What are the key attributes and skills you need for a high-performing contracts management team? Here we recap the desired characteristics, functional skills and critical knowledge required and...
Third-party solutions for contract redlining promise much but fall short when it comes to delivering across the full contract and supplier lifecycles. Find out how Gatekeeper's solution brings you...
In 2018, the FCA made addressing Data Security, Resilience & Outsourcing one of its cross-sector priorities. When it comes to managing third-parties securely and with an auditable record, Gatekeeper...
A key part of the role of Operations is choosing the right technology to help your business grow. In this article, we speak to Ops professionals about their approach to selecting software and hear...
It can be tempting to hold off investing in a contract management solution. In this article we outline the reasons why it makes sense to invest sooner rather than later so you can start making the...
Reviewing a contract can be a complex process. Read our free step-by-step guide, which lays out the five areas to focus on and gives practical advice for each step. Get the maximum value for your...
Risks are present in all aspects of a business but particularly in relation to contracts with third parties. Without robust oversight, these risks can grow significantly. Find out how your contract...
An explainer on RBAC - what it is, why is it important and how is it used in Gatekeeper to simplify contract and vendor management.
How will having a contract management system help your business? Here we list 44 crucial business questions you'll be able to answer if you have a solution in place. Find out how to drive maximum...
Here we explain why paying per-user, per-month for a contract management solution might not be the right option for your business. Let us help you weigh up your priorities and make the right...
15 key take-aways from SaaStr's first European event - in June 2018. Insights from sales guru Aaron Ross and a host of other thought-leaders.
A handy list of commonly used legal terms found in contracts, and their meanings. If you're not a legal professional then the chances are you can benefit from this contract glossary, which will...
What are the tell-tale signs that your business needs a contract management solution? Here we break down six of the most common reasons we hear from our customers and show how the right solution can...