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Gatekeeper For Legal Teams


Gatekeeper helps to automate contracting processes for Legal Teams

Common Contract Challenges


Stretched Resources

In reality, most Legal teams are understaffed for the volume, complexity and criticality of their workload.

Administrative overhead, contract reviews and legacy toolsets drains valuable resource from impactful work.


Compliance Monitoring

Responsibility for protecting the company belongs ultimately to the Legal Team.

However the era of corporate climate change can make this difficult. Ever changing regulations, an explosion of data and remote working all increase the challenge of maintaining compliance.


Lack of control over workload

The best-laid plans have to be abandoned when new, priority work arrives or via irregular interruption by colleagues.

When other teams are over-reliant on Legal, their time is often spent on non-specialist, administrative tasks.

The Gatekeeper Solution

Contract Generation & Clause Library

Generate contracts via unlimited Microsoft Word Templates in Gatekeeper. Whether it’s MSAs, NDAs or SOWs, you can reduce repetitive work and focus on strategic matters.

Create an approved boilerplate clause library, with multiple legal approved clauses, so contracts can also be generated via self-service. These agreements are compliant and pre-approved, giving time back to Legal.

Contract Templates

Data Delegation & Self-Service

Push responsibility for raising new contract requests onto business stakeholders by giving them access to a centrally-controlled portal. Set the parameters and data requirements (inc mandatory fields) to ensure data validity. Receive and process only complete, compliant records for review.

Use the portal to allow stakeholders to check on the progress of their requests, thereby reducing interruption and maximising time spent on strategic, specialist activities.

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Integrated redlining options & e-signatures

Gatekeeper digitises your processes, while boosting compliance, by incorporating both redlining and electronic signatures.

Use your favoured redline solution, whether that’s MS Word® or Office for the Web before progressing to e-signature.

The final, flawless document, along with all previous versions, is recorded against the contract record.

Signature (2)-1

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Targeted Artificial Intelligence

Let Al do the heavy lifting with automated data extraction from legacy contracts. Gatekeeper's AI Extract™ turns contract documents into metadata, automatically building a comprehensive contract record inside Gatekeeper.

Capture parties, names, dates, obligations, clauses and any other required data points with minimal effort. Save valuable time and reduce contract administration through the power of automation.


Fully Defensible Audit Trails

At every step, from initiation to renewal, actions are captured along with dates, time and personnel to provide a cast-iron audit trail.

Clear timelines mean there's no need to look back through email trails or shared folders.


The Gatekeeper 'Find' Engine

Search across all data-points and within documents using powerful OCR technology and find your required information, fast. 

Gatekeeper's Global Search queries contract names, content and metadata as well as counterparty information and returns categorised results in a single view. 

This means no more time wasted trying to locate contract documents and clauses.

Global Search

Multi-layered Benefits of Automation

Digitise your business processes such as sign-offs, renewals and compliance reviews with our Kanban Workflow Engine.

Set up your workflows to run 24/7, without the need for intervention. Move contracts swiftly through the process using SLAs and escalation rules.

Stay hands-off until legal input is required.

Screenshot - GK - New Contract Request Legal Review